Monthly Archives: March 2012

New Genetic Guitar Music from Nagoya Japan!!

Masahi Pic

So excited by this new piece from Masashi Okada a guitarist from Nagoya Japan! Check out the awesome work he did with the sequence reportedly related to longevity. Listen to his awesome piece The Mystery of Life right now! Rock god music, international outreach, and the international language of science-based art. I love it!

the Mystery of Life

In composing this instrumental number I used the first 280 nucleotides of the Longevity gene(The key is A major). The notes of the main melody follow the following conversion methods(basically ten notes per bar). 1:Adenine is assigned to A,B,C#,D or F#. (These notes are the chord tones of the subdominant chords(D,DM7 or D6)) 2:Thymine is [...]