Category Archives: Blog

A Great Approach to Translating Genetic Sequences To Music


Hello GMP fans. Sorry for the long silence, I have been working to hand in a book for the last few months but now I am excited to get back to work promoting genetic art. I wanted to share with you this great suggestion from Genetic Music Project fan Michael “Mishka” Hazelwood. It is a [...]

New Genetic Guitar Music from Nagoya Japan!!

Masahi Pic

So excited by this new piece from Masashi Okada a guitarist from Nagoya Japan! Check out the awesome work he did with the sequence reportedly related to longevity. Listen to his awesome piece The Mystery of Life right now! Rock god music, international outreach, and the international language of science-based art. I love it! in ‘Rising’ Magazine


Check out page 6 of the February issue of Rising Magazine for a full page article by me about the Genetic Music Project. Rising is a “monthly online magazine dedicated to showcasing independent musicians worldwide.” Thanks for featuring us! I hope it will encourage some artists to try their hand at genetic music!

New Genetic Music On Violin: Artist Takes on Alcohol Dependence “In The Club”


I am very excited to announce some fresh new music for the Genetic Music Project! Check out the intriguing and infectious interpretation of the genetic code related to Alcohol Dependence by San Francisco artist Corey Wolffs. Also be sure to check out his captivating description of the inspiration for the piece in which he discusses [...]

Math, Music and Science Dance Together Through History


For centuries, music and science have been tightly linked—if not brothers-in-arms, at least cousins. Music has always reflected the world around it and the science and technology at the time. For example, take the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagorus. Anyone who took geometry in middle school or high school knows about Pythagorus’ famous theorem, a2 + [...]