Category Archives: Blog

Baba Brinkman Raps “We Are Made of DNA”


I had the great pleasure of meeting rap artist and science booster (not to mention Chaucer fan) Baba Brinkman a few weeks back and was psyched when he wrote me to say that he had written a new piece on DNA. Check out the piece here, and be sure to check out his show the [...]

New Genetic Music from Josh Levin!

Infinite Genetics

It’s a first here at GMP folks! We have new genetic music with a name so long this space won’t hold it! Check out Josh Levin’s new piece “Repair of Oxidative DNA Damage by E. coli Endonuclease IV” which I have affectionately dubbed RODDE IV.

Lyle Beers Helps Launch New On Line Journal ‘Intellectual Refuge’


Genetic Music Project contributor and polymath Lyle Beers (check out his song for Restless Leg Syndrome) recently helped launch a new artistic endeavor, an online journal of writing excellence called Intellectual Refuge. Check out his art on two fronts, and if you have writer friends help spread the word about the new mag, which is [...]

New Genetic Music by Josh Levin: ‘Schizophrenia in a Box’


The Genetic Music Project has taken a turn for the classical with ‘Schizophrenia in a Box,’ a haunting new addition from scientist and musician, Josh Levin. The only thing cooler than this haunting, pithy piece is the ingenious twists and turns it takes in just one and half minutes. I hope Josh will consider submitting [...]

Why Everyone Should Worship Amy Pickard

Cut from the Hopless Cover

Well I admit it, I am a diehard fan boy for country music extraordinaire Amy Pickard and that is why I was so excited that she contributed a piece to the Genetic Music Project. It only made sense to send a country singer the genetic code for Bitter Taste Perception, and check out the gorgeous [...]